Luis Palomo

You can find here some projects made by me order by topics.

HTML, CSS & Javascript

Simple websites, web-apps and landing pages made with vanilla Javascript and CSS.

  1. guess who game poster

    Guess Who

    Simple web app game / in development

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  2. default poster

    Title porject

    Simple description

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  3. default poster

    Title porject

    Simple description

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React js

Simple web-apps, landing pages and native mobile apps made with React.js and React Native.

  1. default poster

    Title porject

    Simple description

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  2. default poster

    Title porject

    Simple description

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  3. default poster

    Title porject

    Simple description

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Banners, Display DCO, Rich Media, Emails and other kind of ads.

  1. default poster

    Title porject

    Simple description

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  2. default poster

    Title porject

    Simple description

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  3. default poster

    Title porject

    Simple description

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Different kind of projects made with other languages like Python, PHP, SQL and more.

  1. default poster

    Title porject

    Simple description

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  2. default poster

    Title porject

    Simple description

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  3. default poster

    Title porject

    Simple description

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